VEGA - VEnice GAteway for Science and Technology – is the Science and Technology Park, a network of universities, research centres and businesses aimed at promoting and developing scientific research, technology transfer and transfer of knowledge, business acceleration and business incubation.

VEGA is designated as headquarter of the Competence Center of the North-East of Italy, within the framework of the “Industry 4.0” national plan.
The Competence Center is focused on SMACT (Social Mobile Analytics Cloud and Things) technologies and services, applied to Agro-Food and Beverage industry, Fashion industry, Furniture industry, Automation industry, in a vision of green and circular economy.

The Park ranks among the most important in Italy, a model of environmental redevelopment acknowledged through the international certifications it was granted for the quality of its environment management system (ISO 14001).

VEGA is a limited-liability consortium, established as Public-Private Partnership in 1993, which major shareholder is the City of Venice.

VEGA intends to offer an innovative system for networking, community-building and technological platforms to stimulate synergy, partnerships and project-making among the businesses and the Institution of the north-east of Italy, in relation, also, with the commercial routes between Center and East Europe and the Asia-Pacific area.

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Logistic Infrastructures

Metropolitan Development